Friday, November 22, 2019

                Practice Sheet- English
Q.1 Solve the puzzle(Hint: all the anwers have double consonant)
( Rabbit, kitten, balloon, apple, kettle)

·        A  small white furry animal that eats carrot
·        A cats baby is called
·        Children love to play with
·        We should daily eat one
·        The _______is full of hot coffee.

Q.2  Complete the /ai/ sound words-

·        Peacock dance when it _______.

·        Children like to _______in the garden.

·        Moon changes its__________.

·        Open the ______

·        We are going to Delhi by ______.

Q.3 Underline the describing words

·        Rahul is a good boy.

·        My father has a red car.

·        Priya is wearing  pink frock.

·        I saw a big elephant.

·        She has five pencils.

Q.4 Fill in the blanks with action words given in the box-
 Cooks      bake    pack     writes   walk
              Harry and sim _______to the school.

2.     My sister _______ delicious cake.

3.     Mother ________ tiffin for me and my father.

4.     Yash _______ letter to his cousin.

5.     Chef________ yummy meal.

Q.5 Match the opposites-

·        wet                                         sad

·        old                                          sour

·        happy                                                dry

·        bright                                     new

·        big                                          late

·        young                                    gloomy

·        sweet                                     light

·        early                                       small

·        heavy                                     old

·        soft                                         float

·        sit                                            hard

·        sink                                         stand

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